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Obhajoby disertačních prací

Anatolie Marta: Triggers of asexual reproduction: on the crosslink between hybridization, asexuality, polyploidy and speciation on example of Cobitidae loaches Nik Lupše: Transcriptomics and developmental plasticity of sensory systems in fishes
Čas 31.03.2023
od 11:30 do 16:00
Přiložený soubor: Marta Anatolie.pdf
Další soubor: Lupše Nik.pdf
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Dne 31. 3. 2023 se konají obhajoby disertačních prací:

Anatolie Marta: Triggers of asexual reproduction: on the crosslink between hybridization, asexuality, polyploidy and speciation on example of Cobitidae loaches

Obhajoba proběhne od 11:30 v  učebně B121, 1.patro, Viničná 7 a je veřejná!


Nik Lupše: Transcriptomics and developmental plasticity of sensory systems in fishes

Obhajoba proběhne od 14:50 v učebně B312, 3.patro, Viničná 7 a je veřejná!



On 31 March 2023, the dissertation defences will take place:

Anatolie Marta: Triggers of asexual reproduction: on the crosslink between hybridization, asexuality, polyploidy and speciation on example of Cobitidae loaches

The defence will take place at  11:30 a.m. in classroom B121, 1st floor, Viničná 7 and is open to the public!


Nik Lupše: Transcriptomics and developmental plasticity of sensory systems in fishes

The defence will take place at 2:50 p.m. in classroom B312, 3rd floor, Viničná 7 and is open to the public!


Publikováno: Středa 29.03.2023 12:25

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