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Demography in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century...

Theround-table “Demography in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: A Short Authentic Inventory of a Great Adventure and Enjoyment”
Čas 01.04.2011
od 12:30 do 20:00
Přiložený soubor: 2011-04-01 – Round table
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The Department of Demography and Geodemography at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
The Czech Demographic Society are organizing


The round-table
“Demography in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: A Short Authentic Inventory of a Great Adventure and Enjoyment”


At the occasion of the 80th birthday of Zdeněk Pavlík, Professor Emeritus of Charles University in Prague, Honorary President of the Czech Demographic Society and Founder of the Department

The event will be held at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6,Prague 2

in the lecture room Pravá rýsovna (3rd floor)

on Friday, April 1,2011 and starts at 12:30.

see program

Publikováno: Pátek 01.04.2011 12:00

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