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Visegrad - Strategic grants- do 15. 4. 2015

The aim of the Visegrad Strategic Program (Strategic Grants) is to sup­port long-term projects of strate­gic char­ac­ter that link insti­tu­tions of all four Visegrad Group coun­tries. The projects must adhere to at least one of the pri­or­i­ties defined by the Conference of Ministers for the given year (see below). The pri­or­i­ties adhere to the pri­or­i­ties of the given Presidency of the Visegrad Group.


Information for the year 2014 - see the websites later for updates for 2015!

Deadline for submission:

Deadline (elec­tronic submission) 12:00 a.m. (noon), April 15, 2014
Deadline (hard-copy + enclosures) posted on April 15, 2014 or deliv­ered in per­son by 16:30 on the dead­line date

Note: All pro­pos­als must be first sub­mit­ted on-line and then deliv­ered in hard-copy form with accom­pa­ny­ing enclo­sures (see Guidelines).

Budget and time frame:

Max. time frame 36 months
Max. bud­get unlim­ited (aver­age ca. €40,000—see approved projects)
Co-financing 30% (the Fund cov­ers max. 70% project costs)
Overheads cov­ered 15% (see Guidelines)
Tangible/intangible assets covered 7% (see Guidelines)

2014 Priorities:


Raising Competitiveness in the Visegrad Region 

  In gen­eral terms, Visegrad coun­tries are looked upon as suc­cess­ful mod­els of eco­nomic trans­for­ma­tion and can serve as a pos­i­tive exam­ple to other reform­ing states in the world. However, in light of the recent eco­nomic and finan­cial cri­sis as well as the increas­ing global com­pe­ti­tion it has become evi­dent that the V4 coun­tries will need to under­take fur­ther struc­tural adjust­ments in order to boost their eco­nomic growth and increase the level of their pros­per­ity. Supported projects could focus on pos­si­ble joint V4 strate­gies aimed at devel­op­ing its own regional vision in cer­tain areas which are cur­rently on the agenda in Europe and other inter­na­tional fora (sus­tain­abil­ity, inclu­sive growth, indus­trial pol­icy, dig­i­tal agenda, inter­nal mar­ket and ser­vices, cohe­sion pol­icy). Such strate­gies could also include tools to syn­er­gize var­i­ous actors across the sec­tors to work together pur­su­ing devel­op­ment in solv­ing spe­cific prob­lems of V4 countries.


25th Anniversary of the Democratic Changes in Central Europe

  In 2014, quar­ter of a cen­tury will have passed since the peace­ful tran­si­tion towards democ­racy in Central Europe. It is the right moment to look back and take stock of the achieve­ments that the Visegrad coun­tries have accom­plished since then on their way towards build­ing free and pros­per­ous soci­eties. Supported projects could focus on iden­ti­fy­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties and pos­si­ble dif­fer­ent approaches that the four coun­tries have devel­oped in the course of their trans­for­ma­tion processes. Many would argue even today that our “vel­vet rev­o­lu­tions” were not only a one-sided affair with all lay­ers of our soci­eties being clearly on the win­ning side. What impact did the reforms have on par­tic­u­lar seg­ments of the soci­ety and who were the main ben­e­fi­cia­ries? What still remains to be done in order to fin­ish our trans­for­ma­tion job? Are we able to shape any kind of col­lec­tive mem­ory or have many of the orig­i­nal ideals already been sur­passed by the prag­ma­tism of today’s world?


North-South Transport Connectivity for Progressive Visegrad Region

  Infrastructural devel­op­ment is key for the region’s future com­pet­i­tive­ness and growth; projects deal­ing with sci­en­tific solu­tions to the enhance­ment of regional trans­port net­work are there­fore of gen­uine V4 inter­est. Support is envis­aged for projects that relate to the V4 coun­tries’ coop­er­a­tion in north–south trans­port and mobil­ity, reflect­ing the TEN-T Core and Comprehensive Network plans. V4 north–south road, rail and air (both pas­sen­ger and cargo) trans­port issues are to be ana­lyzed includ­ing the impact of the hin­ter­land and logis­ti­cal strate­gies of V4 indus­trial cen­ters, as well as the phys­i­cal and reg­u­la­tory bot­tle­necks of regional road and rail inter­con­nec­tors, includ­ing smart transport.


vložila: Darina Koubínová

Publikováno: Čtvrtek 11.12.2014 12:35

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