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Jan Hanzelka

Biodiversity in natural cavities of boreal forests. Climatic drivers of spatial patterns in demographic rates of European migratory birds.

Recent publications:

Hanzelka J., Baroni D., Martikainen P., Eexa T., Laaksosnen T. (2023): Cavity-breeding birds create specific microhabitats for diverse arthropod communities in boreal forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 10.1007/s10531-023-02653-4.

Grzędzicka E., Hanzelka J., Reif J. (2022): The impact of invasive Caucasian hogweeds on birds depends on areas of invaded and uninvaded habitats at various scales in Central European uplands. Ecological Indictors 141: 109082.



PhD students

Adriana Hološková

Drivers of farmland bird population declies with special focus on the role of invertebrate food supply.

Recent publications:

Hološková A., Kadlec T., Reif J. (2023): Vegetation structure and invertebrate food availability for birds in intensively used arable fields: evaluation of three widespread crops. Diversity 15: 524.

Hološková A., Reif J. (2020): Changes in invertebrate food supply as one of the mechanisms of agricultural intensification impacts on farmland bird populations. Sylvia 56: 3-23.



Filip Szarvas

Assessment of the processes involved in shaping population trends of forest bird species at different spatial scales.

Recent publications:

Szarvas F., Vermouzek Z., Voříšek P., Reif J. (2023): Which forest characteristics shape bird abundance in Central European forests  ? A case study based on common breeding bird survey in Czechia. Acta Ornithologica

Reif J., Szarvas F., Šťastný K. (2021): 'Tell me where the birds have gone' – Reconstructing historical influence of major environmental drivers on bird populations from memories of ornithologists of an older generation. Ecological Indicators 129: 107909.



Lenka Dvořáková (maiden name Rajmonová)

Importance of biodiversity refugees in intensively used agricultural landscapes.

Recent publications:

Dvořáková L., Hernová J., Bušek O., Reif J. (2023): Relationships between bird species richness and different facets of landscape heterogeneity-insights from a military area. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 10.25225/jvb.23012.

Dvořáková L., Kuczynski L, Rivas-Salvador J., Reif J. (2022): Habitat characteristics supporting bird species richness in mid-field woodlots. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 816255.



Jan Grünwald

Exploration of population trends of urban birds in respect to their ecological traits.






Master students

Veronika Mňuková

Factors shaping bird communities in roadside vegetation. 







Adéla Kutzendörferová

The interaction between impacts of urbanization and agriculture on birds. 







Jeroným Žid

Long-term changes of bird abundance in intensively used farmland.







External collaborators

Tomáš Telenský

Center for Theoretical Study, Prague. Development of new kinds of population models to find demographic parametres responsible for population limitation in birds.

Recent publications:

Telenský T., Storch D., Klvaňa P., Reif J. (2023): Extension of Pradel capture–recapture survival-recruitment model accounting for transients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution: 10.1111/2041-210X.14262.

Weegman M.D., Alisauskas R.T., Kellett D.K., Zhao Q., Wilson S., Telenský T. (2022): Local population collapse of Ross's and lesser snow geese driven by failing recruitment and diminished philopatry. Oikos 2022: e09184.


Anna Gamero 

Czech Society for Ornithology, Prague. Advanced techniques of analyses of long-term monitoring data in birds.

Recent publications:

Reif J., Gamero A., Flousek J., Hůnová I. (2023): Ambient ozone-New threat to birds in mountain ecosystems? Science of the Total Environment 876: 162711.

Buchan C., Franco A.M.A., Catry I., Gamero A., Gilroy J.J., Field R. (2022): Spatially explicit risk mapping reveals direct anthropogenic impacts on migratory birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 1707-1725.


Jaroslav Koleček

Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno. Linking breeding and non-breeding grounds of migratory species using modern tracking methods to inform the population models.

Recent publications:

Reif J., Koleček J., Morelli F. and Benedetti Y. (2023): Population trends of ground-nesting birds indicate increasing environmental impacts from Eastern to Western Europe: different patterns for open-habitat and woodland species. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11: 1156360.

Honza M., Koleček J., Piálek L., Piálková R., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Štětková G., Jelínek V., Hughes A.E., Šulc M. (2022): Multiple parasitism in an evictor brood parasite: patterns revealed by long-term monitoring, continuous video recording, and genetic analyses. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 161.




Emilia Grzędzicka

Polish Academy of Science, Kraków. Investigation of the impacts of invasive plant species on animal populations.

Recent publications:

Grzędzicka E. (2023): Assessing the role of invasive weeds in the impact of successional habitats on the bird assemblage in overgrowing agriculture. Journal for Nature Conservation 72: 126352.

Grzędzicka E., Hanzelka J., Reif J. (2022): The impact of invasive Caucasian hogweeds on birds depends on areas of invaded and uninvaded habitats at various scales in Central European uplands. Ecological Indictors 141: 109082.


Javier Rivas-Salvador 

Czech Society for Ornithology, Prague. Habitat specialization of birds: spatial patterns and conservation implications.

Recent publications:

Rivas-Salvador J., Reif J. (2023): Species-specific traits affect bird species' susceptibility to global change. Science of Nature 110: 54.

Reif J., Vermouzek Z., Voříšek P., Romportl D., Rivas-Salvador J., Morelli F. (2022): Habitat-specific diversity in Central European birds. Bird Study 69: 72-82.

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