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Příjmové nerovnosti a rostoucí segregace v evropských městech

V nakladatelství Routledge právě vyšla publikace srovnávající socio-ekonomickou segregaci v 13 evropských městech.

Kapitolu o Praze zpracoval autorský kolektiv Urbánní a regionální laboratoře

Kniha s názvem Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East meets West je dostupná v Routledge jako součást řady Regions and Cities. Úvod a závěr je možné zdarma stáhnout. Vybrané ukázky z jednotlivých kapitol nabízí i Google Books.

O publikaci

This study compares the level of segregation in 2001 and 2011 for thirteen European cities. It concludes that social mixing is declining in Europe. With some delay, socio-economic inequality is causing people in different income classes to live farther and farther away from each other. Increasing levels of socio-economic segregation in response to globalisation, the restructuring of the economy and the labour market, neo-liberal politics and – in some cities – declining investments in the social rental housing sector are direct causes of the increasing segregation. This conclusion is drawn from rigorous data analysis by teams in Madrid, Milan, Tallinn, London, Stockholm, Vienna, Athens, Amsterdam, Budapest, Riga, Vilnius, Prague, and Oslo (ranked from highest to lowest level of segregation), who examined comparable information (e.g. on income and jobs) for each city. Drawing on the literature, they developed predictions concerning segregation in each of the thirteen cities and tested them in practice. They linked the assessment to an in-depth analysis of the unique local situation and policy in each city.

This book will be a key reference on increasing segregation and will provide valuable insights to students, researchers and policy makers who are interested in the spatial dimension of social inequality in European cities

Publikováno: Čtvrtek 03.09.2015 22:00

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