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Výsledky hledání Počet odpovídajících položek: 32

Laboratoř strukturní biologie transkripční regulace
Vedoucí: doc. Ing. Václav Veverka, Ph.D.
Laboratoř molekulární dynamiky imunitní odpovědi
Vedoucí: RNDr. Karel Drbal, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Confocal and Fluorescence Microscopy
Katedra botaniky
Katedra botaniky je hlavní výukovou a výzkumnou institucí Univerzity Karlovy v oboru ekologie a evoluce rostlin, autotrofních protist a hub.
Popular Science: Is an old killifish reproductively more proficient than a young one?
Asking a similar question in humans would seem a nonsense, as everybody can imagine that the reproductive performance of an old man or woman is lower than when ...
Popular Science: Is an old killifish reproductively more proficient than a young one?
Asking a similar question in humans would seem a nonsense, as everybody can imagine that the reproductive performance of an old man or woman is lower than when ...
Popular Science: How do women react when confronted with the threat of infidelity, and does this correlate with the quality of their relationships?
That is the question that Jitka Lindová, Kateřina Klapilová, Adéla Vobořilová and Barbora Chlápková from the Faculty of Humanities and the National institute ...
Popular Scienc: Who lives in birds’ feathers?
An international scientific team including a member of our faculty described new host relationships between Mallophaga (taxon Ischnocera: Philopteridae) and ...
Popular Science: Who lives in birds’ feathers?
An international scientific team including a member of our faculty described new host relationships between Mallophaga (taxon Ischnocera: Philopteridae) and ...
Popular Science: Testosterone does not make big fighters – at least in chameleons?
While body size is one of the biggest differences between sexes (i.e. sexual dimorphism) in chameleons, little is still known about the mechanism of its ...
Postdoc position at Masaryk University, Brno
An open position at the Laboratory of Structural Proteins of Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Do birds in our forests fare well or not?
One of the factors responsible for decline in biodiversity is land-use change, which is a result of major socioeconomic changes associated with the advancement ...
Popular Science: Giant dragonflies and their way of life – reconstruction based on fossil findings
The maximum wingspan of dragonflies these days is about 19 cm, but in the Late Palaeozoic (approximately 300 Mya), the largest representatives of the ...
Giant dragonflies and their way of life – reconstruction based on fossil findings
Model of the revised dragonfly species Meganeurites gracilipes in comparison with a human hand. Photo: Petr Šípek.
Are intestinal parasites of great apes and humans as closely related as their hosts are?
The clinical detection and identification of Entamoeba (intestinal parasites) is usually performed using light microscopy, which is often complicated and ...
RNDr. Karel Drbal, Ph.D.
Dlouhodobě se věnuji mapování povrchu buněk imunitního systému pomocí vazebných reagencií a zavádění nových způsobů jejich přípravy. Zajímám se o dynamické ...
RNDr. Karel Drbal, Ph.D.
My primary interest is the understanding of the surface proteome of immune cells with the help of binding reagents of various types, including establishment of ...
Masožravci ve stínu známějších kolegů aneb jak se žije kunám, liškám nebo jezevcům?
V posledních letech zaznamenáváme návrat velkých šelem do naší krajiny. Rysi, vlci a medvědi znovu osidlují středoevropskou krajinu, na okraji zájmu ale ...
Masožravci ve stínu známějších kolegů aneb jak se žije kunám, liškám nebo jezevcům?
V posledních letech zaznamenáváme návrat velkých šelem do naší krajiny. Rysi, vlci a medvědi znovu osidlují středoevropskou krajinu, na okraji zájmu ale ...
Popular Science: How to score an invasion?
There are already several documents listing the one hundred worst alien species in Europe and aiming at raising awareness of the biological invasions and their ...
In a shared study, researchers from Charles University and from Baku State University, Azerbaijan, focused on the fear of snakes. It is one of long-running ...
Invasions versus reserves
The spatial protection of nature is a well-known way of protecting nature as a whole. But what is the role of reserves in the age of climate change and the ...
Popular Science: Cancer “supercells” helped by iron to escape therapy?
It is the second most abundant metal on Earth and an important biogenic element. Adults of average height have about 3-4 grams of it in their body. Iron is not ...
Popular Science: Light as a driver of the shape variety of Norway spruce needles
How do spruce needles react with their shape to the intensity of incident light? Is there a difference in the volume of irradiation of the individual needles ...
Open Postdoc position - molecular biology, cell biology or biochemistry
Postdoctoral position to study how lipid metabolism affects chromatin structure and chromosome segregation is available at the Department of Cell Biology, ...
Exkurze Vegetace střední Evropy a Speciální exkurze kryptogamologická
Exkurze "Vegetace střední Evropy" (MB120T97, MB120T98) a "Speciální exkurze kryptogamologická" (MB120T52) budou letos spojeny v jedinou exkurzi. Pro studenty ...
Jarní obhajoby bakalářských prací na katedře botaniky
Jarní obhajoby bakalářských prací na katedře botaniky se budou konat 6. června 2016 v Krajinově posluchárně. Všichni jste srdečně vítáni!
More than a root: the systematics and evolution of gingers
Axel Dalberg Poulsen, Head of Botanical Garden, Natural History Museum, Oslo. Seminář Katedry botaniky.
Pravidla pro vypracování bakalářské práce
Pravidla pro vypracování bakalářské práce ka katedře botaniky se řídí pravidly biologické sekce
Bakalářské studium
Studium v bakalářském stupni na Katedře botaniky. Témata, obhajoby, apod.