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Online kurs Mikro/nanofluidika

Srdečně zveme všechny zájemce na online kurs Mikro/nanofluidika, který povede ve dnech 20. a 27. dubna 2021 profesor Jeroen Lammertyn, špičkový výzkumník na Katolické univerzitě v Lovani.

WHENApril 20th and April 27th, 2021

Although for biologists microfluidic may sound too technically and not many people here can imagine what is behind, you will see that it is extremely useful tool to study biochemistry, physiological processes, protein interactions in microvolumes, which mimics much better than conventional approaches the physiological conditions within the single cell. It is an amazing futuristic approach of top science.

In this course on Micro- and Nanofluidics the students get an introduction to the design and fabrication of total micro-analysis systems (µTAS), biological micro-electromechanical systems (BioMEMS), and lab-on-a-chips (LOC) with a special emphasis on fluid manipulation (digital versus continuous, pressure drives versus electrokinetically), integration of detection principles and integration of biomolecular assays on the chip.
In the connected seminars topics like self-powered microfluidics, organ-on-a-chip technology, microfluidics for single cell analysis and 3D printed microfluidics are covered.

The course is supported by the project MICOBION.

For more information and registration, please visit the BIOCEV website HERE

Publikováno: Pondělí 12.04.2021 16:25

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