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BIOCEV: Michael Berridge - Is mitochondrial transfer between cells a common physiological phenomenon that supports energy homeostasis?

BIOCEV si dovoluje pozvat širokou veřejnost na přednášku profesora Michaela Berridge (University of Cambridge). Přednáška proběhne ve čtvrtek 29.9. v 15.00 v konferenční místnosti U2.012. Všichni zájemci jsou srdečně zváni!
Čas 27.09.2016
od 14:55 do 14:55
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Mitochondrial transfer between cells has been demonstrated in cell culture, in tumour models and phylogenetically, but the extent to which this phenomenon underpins normal physiological processes is largely unknown. This talk will present the evidence for intercellular mitochondrial transfer to tumour models without mitochondrial DNA, and will outline experimental approaches to explore whether mitochondria move to cells with mitochondrial DNA damage following bone marrow transplantation in mouse models and in humans. Increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial movement between cells may be a normal physiological phenomenon invoked following mitochondrial damage.

Publikováno: Úterý 27.09.2016 15:15

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