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Evening Online Czech Language Course for foreigners

Faculty of Arts at Charles University is offering an Evening Online Czech Language Course for Foreigners from 7 September till 16 December 2021. There is a 10% discount on course fees for UK employees.

Evening Online Czech Language Course for Foreigners  


Dates: 7 September 2021 – 16 December 2021 (Tuesday and Thursday 17.30-19.00)  

There is a 10% discount on course fees for UK employees = 8,900CZK 
(employment contract or agreement-DPČ, DPP)  

More information at https://czechstudies.ff.cuni.cz/en/evening-course/  

Here are examples from past lessons, and additional information can be found on Instagram and Facebook.  

In case of any questions, please contact: czechstudies@ff.cuni.cz    

Publikováno: Úterý 24.08.2021 16:40

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