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Search results 206 items matching your search terms

How Trypanosoma escaped the immunity
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is responsible for over 95 % of sleeping sickness cases – a disease that threatens many inhabitants of Africa. Like any parasite, ...
How Trypanosoma escaped the immunity
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is responsible for over 95 % of sleeping sickness cases – a disease that threatens many inhabitants of Africa. Like any parasite, ...
complement system
How much do cities affect bird lives?
You have probably already noticed the decline of insects in nature, either through the media or even from your own experience. Now, an international European ...
How much do cities affect bird lives?
You have probably already noticed the decline of insects in nature, either through the media or even from your own experience. Now, an international European ...
Where do the herbarium specimens come from?
For more than twenty years, there has been a heated debate about the close relationship between museums and colonialism. A new study in the prestigious journal ...
Where do the herbarium specimens come from?
For more than twenty years, there has been a heated debate about the close relationship between museums and colonialism. A new study in the prestigious journal ...
Is an increase in disgust during pregnancy a way to protect the fetus?
The behavioural immune system (BIS) is a very important part of the human defence mechanism against external pathogens, in addition to the physical immune ...
Is an increase in disgust during pregnancy a way to protect the fetus?
The behavioural immune system (BIS) is a very important part of the human defence mechanism against external pathogens, in addition to the physical immune ...
Halt migration – a new way of cancer treatment?
Cellular migration is crucial for the formation of metastasis – distant cancer cell deposits. However, metastasis is what makes cancer deadly in most cases. ...
Halt migration – a new way of cancer treatment?
Cellular migration is crucial for the formation of metastasis – distant cancer cell deposits. However, metastasis is what makes cancer deadly in most cases. ...
How high is the ambient ozone?
Ambient ozone is one of the major pollutants in the air. Its presence is highly undesirable as it is toxic to living organisms and causes damage to forest ...
How high is the ambient ozone?
Ambient ozone is one of the major pollutants in the air. Its presence is highly undesirable as it is toxic to living organisms and causes damage to forest ...
Genetic movement of Soldanella
In both plant and animal species, various hybridisations can occur over time, leading to the transmission of genes to descendants and sometimes to the origin ...
Genetic movement of Soldanella
In both plant and animal species, various hybridisations can occur over time, leading to the transmission of genes to descendants and sometimes to the origin ...
When ice melts and water disappears
Climate change, along with rising air temperatures, has a major impact on the quantity and availability of water in many ways. As a result, there are also ...
When ice melts and water disappears
Climate change, along with rising air temperatures, has a major impact on the quantity and availability of water in many ways. As a result, there are also ...
New colours of the world
The world is still changing. Because of that, there is an increasing need for new classifications of individual systems to help determine the state, pattern, ...
New colours of the world
The world is still changing. Because of that, there is an increasing need for new classifications of individual systems to help determine the state, pattern, ...
Mitochondria on the Move
“Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.” An almost iconic sentence describing and simplifying the role of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria ...
Mitochondria on the Move
“Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.” An almost iconic sentence describing and simplifying the role of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria ...
Fish stress pushes the boundaries of science
When a person is under stress, their body produces a variety of hormones that prepare the body for a hit-or-run scenario. One of these stress hormones can also ...
Fish stress pushes the boundaries of science
When a person is under stress, their body produces a variety of hormones that prepare the body for a hit-or-run scenario. One of these stress hormones can also ...
Insect fossil gems from iron concretions
Palaeoentomology is a fascinating field of scientific research that studies fossil insects. Extinct species are compared to modern relatives, facilitating the ...
Insect fossil gems from iron concretions
Palaeoentomology is a fascinating field of scientific research that studies fossil insects. Extinct species are compared to modern relatives, facilitating the ...
Pheromones – more than a thousand words
Termites, as well as bees and wasps, are social or eusocial insects. What does that mean? As an insect community, they have set castes that determine each ...
Pheromones – more than a thousand words
Termites, as well as bees and wasps, are social or eusocial insects. What does that mean? As an insect community, they have set castes that determine each ...
Looking back at covid – what do we think about the strict restrictions?
“Being human means having and knowing your place.” This quote was written by Canadian geographer Edward Relph in one of his publications in 1976. It says that ...
Looking back at covid – what do we think about the strict restrictions?
“Being human means having and knowing your place.” This quote was written by Canadian geographer Edward Relph in one of his publications in 1976. It says that ...