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Research Services

Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Research Laboratory

Thermo Scientific IRMS spectrometers (Mat 253 and Delta V Advantage) with associated instruments (Flash EA 2000, TC/EA, GasBench II and LC IsoLink), Thermo Scientific Neptune Plus multicollector ICP-MS and Thermo Scientific X-seriesII quandrupole-based ICP-MS.

Contact: Jakub Trubač (trubac@natur.cuni.cz)

 Web:  https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geology/stable-and-radiogenic-isotope-research-laboratory

Raman Spectrometry Laboratory

Bench-top inVia Reflex Renishaw Raman spectrometer (laser wavelengths of 514.5 and 785 nm), portable Inspector Raman DeltaNu and First Guard Rigaku spectrometers.

Contact: Jan Jehlička (jehlicka@natur.cuni.cz)


X-ray Diffraction Laboratory

PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray diffractometer equipped with an X’Celerator detector and X’Pert HighScore Plus software coupled with JCPDS PDF-2/COD databases for qualitative/quantitative data interpretation.

Contact: Viktor Goliáš (wiki@natur.cuni.cz) or Petr Drahota (drahota@natur.cuni.cz)


Radiometric Laboratory

Low-background anticompton-anticoincidence SILAR gamma-spectrometry and alpha-spectrometry for 210Pb dating.

Contact: Viktor Goliáš (wiki@natur.cuni.cz)

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