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'English reading group' pro studenty

Dr. Gunther Kletetschka se studentem Matthew Markleym přišli se zajímavou iniciativou jak pomoct studentům aplikované geologie lépe proniknout do problematiky anglicky psaných vědeckých textů - English reading group.

Bližší informace přímo v přiložené pozvánce. V případě Vašeho zájmu kontaktujte dr. Kletetschku anebo Matthewa Markleya.



Aloha students and faculty! Aloha means “good day,” “hello,” and “good bye.” It is very much like the Czech word Ahoj with all its sense and meanings. So hello to all!

My name is Matthew Markley and as the new semester began, Dr. Gunther Kletetschka and I wanted to start up an English reading group for scientific papers in the realm of science and of course with an emphasis on the geosciences. For all those who have not heard this announcement, we plan to hold ~1 to 1.5 hour sessions focused on a short, high-impact paper relating to geology and geophysics. It is a welcoming, low-pressure environment where undergraduates, graduate students, post-doc’s and faculty are encouraged to ask questions and share their insights on the science and perhaps English involved in the discussed paper. In regards to those who want to better their English writing skills, we are still working out logistics. As we finish each session, I will email out to all for the next selection of papers based on interest from participants.
If you are interested in participating, please send me your name and e-mail address so you can be added to a seminar listserv or mailing list. All future e-mails regarding the reading group will be sent through that listserv. We will finalize the time and room for the discussions based on the number of those interested but it looks like Friday is a good day for our seminar.

My email is matthew.markley@gmail.com and the office phone number which you can leave us a message is 221 951 963.



Publikováno: Pátek 10.10.2014 13:15

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