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Website of Prof. Karel Kuchař

A website dedicated to this important representative of the “Albertov School”


Prof. K. Kuchař

As part of the TEMAP project, the Map Collection cooperated with the Library of Geography to create an independent website dedicated to Prof. Karel Kuchař (1906 - 1975). This important geographer and historical cartographer was an integral part of the Geographic Institute and the Charles University Map Collection for more than 50 years. During his rich scientific career, Prof. Kuchař created a vast body of work ranging from high school geographical atlases, university textbooks, and wall or handy maps. Thanks to the licensing permission kindly provided by Prof. Karel Kuchař Jr., the copyright heir, it was possible to make the full texts and maps of this famous Czech cartographer available online.

The 444 total documents are primarily accessible in PDF format and comprise 66 articles, 20 monographs (5 from the Moravian Regional Library in Brno), 15 New Year’s greetings, 75 reviews and 73 reports. The website also contains 195 cartographic documents, especially maps, which can be viewed using Zoomify. A complete bibliographic list of the works of Prof. Kuchař can be found under biographical data in the BIBLIOGRAPHY tab.

For over fifty years, one of the basic sources for studying the history of cartography has been the highly readable and erudite texts of Kuchař. A few we could mention include Kapitoly z nauky o mapách (1943), Základy kartografie (1953), Naše mapy odedávna do dneška (1958), Vývoj mapového zobrazení Československé republiky I. (1959) or Vývoj a dnešní stav zobrazení světa (1971). Prof. Kuchař devoted himself to detailed analysis of old maps of the Czech lands - Fabricious and Vischer’s maps of Moravia, Criginger, Aretin or Müller’s maps of Bohemia and many more. Beginning in the 1930s, he helped publish the unique Monumenta cartographica Bohemiae series, which in later years was expanded to include maps of Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia. Military mapping in our country was examined in  První vojenské mapování v našich zemích (1963) or Mapové prameny ke geografii Československa (1967). Together with Anna Dvořáčková, Prof. Kuchař prepared the catalog for the map collection of B. P. Moll (1959).


Access the website of prof. Karel Kuchař at http://mapovasbirka.cz/kuchar/ (only in Czech)



MARTÍNEK, Jiří. Geografové v českých zemích 1800-1945. Praha: Historický ústav, 2008. 245 s. ISBN 978-80-7286-133-0.

MUCHA, L. Život a dílo profesora Karla Kuchaře. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica. 1976, roč. 11, s. 9-26. ISSN 0300-5402.


CHRÁST, Josef. Nový web věnovaný prof. Karlu Kuchařovi. Ikaros [online]. 2014, roč. 18, č. 2 [cit. 2015-01-12]. ISSN 1212-5075. Dostupný z: http://www.ikaros.cz/novy-web-venovany-prof-karlu-kucharovi

NOVOTNÁ, Eva. Výstava k 100. výročí narození geografa a kartografa prof. Karla Kuchaře. Ikaros [online]. 2006, roč. 10, čís. 6 [cit. 2014-01-12].  ISSN 1212-5075. Dostupný z: http://www.ikaros.cz/vystava-k-100-vyroci-narozeni-geografa-a-kartografa-prof-karla-kuchare

UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE. Přírodovědecká fakulta. Knihovna geografie a Mapová sbírka. Prof. Karel Kuchař: český geograf a kartograf [online]. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, ©2015 [cit. 2015-01-12]. Dostupné z: http://web.natur.cuni.cz/gis/kuchar/

Karel Kuchař. Wikipedie: Otevřená encyklopedie [online]. Poslední změna 24. 10. 2014, 20:08 [cit. 2015-01-15]. Dostupné z: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karel_Kucha%C5%99



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