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BLAŽEK, J, STEEN, M. (2022): Global production networks and regional innovation systems: contrasting or complementary policy implications?  European Planning Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2021.202114

KVĚTOŇ, V., NOVOTNÝ, J., BLAŽEK, J., MAREK, D. (2022) The role of geographic and cognitive proximity in knowledge networks: The case of joint R&D networks, Papers in Regional Science,   https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12656

BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2022) Towards an integrated framework of agency in regional development: the case of old industrial regions, Regional Studies, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2022.2054976

BLAŽEK, J., HOLICKÁ, Z. (2022) Value capture by companies of different ownership, tier, size, and distance to market: A cross-sectoral analysis, AREA,  https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12819

KADLEC, V., KVĚTOŇ, V, VLČKOVÁ, J., BLAŽEK, J, HORÁK, P. (2022) Contrasting patterns and dynamics of patent offshoring in European regions, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-27, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-022-09968-4

BLAŽEK, J., BĚLOHRADSKÝ, A., HOLICKÁ, Z. (2021) The role of tier, ownership and size of companies in value creation and capture, European Planning Studies, 29(11): 2101-2120.

BLAŽEK, J., UHLÍŘ, D. (2020): Teorie regionálního rozvoje (nástin, kritika, implikace), Karolinum, Praha, s. 363

BEER, A., MCKENZIE, F., BLAŽEK, J., SOTARAUTA, M., AYRES, S: (2020) Every place matters: towards effective place-based policy, Regional Studies Policy Impact Books, RSA, Taylor & Francis, Oxon, 80 p.

NATSUDA, K., THOBURN, J., BLAŽEK, J., OTSUKA, K. (2020) Industrial policy and automotive development: a comparative study of Thailand and Czechia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1836983,

BLAŽEK, J., HEJNOVÁ, T. (2020) Geography, ownership, and uneven trends in the economic
performance of small banking centres in Europe during the financial crisis, European Urban and
Regional Studies, 27(4): 359-378. IF 2,860.

The dark side of regional industrial path development: towards a typology of trajectories
of decline, European Planning Studies 28 (8), 1455-1473. IF 2,226

BLAŽEK, J., NETRDOVÁ, P. (2019): Soaring unemployment in Czechia during the global economic
crisis, Journal of Maps 15 (1), 69-76. IF 1,600/1,600.

NATSUDA, K., SÝKORA, J. BLAŽEK, J. (2019): Transfer of Japanese-style management to the Czech
Republic: the case of Japanese manufacturing firms, Asia Europe Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s10308-
019-00534-6 IF 0,780/0,780.

BLAŽEK, J., HEJNOVÁ, T., RADA, H. (2019) The impacts of the global economic crisis and its
aftermath on the banking centres of Europe, European Urban and Regional Studies,
https://doi.org/10.1177/0969776418807240. IF 2,208/2,280.

BLAŽEK, J., KADLEC, V. (2019) Knowledge bases, R&D structure and socio-economic and
innovation performance of European regions, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science.
32 (1), 26-47. DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2018.1491000 IF 1,018/1,018

BLAŽEK, J., NATSUDA, K., SÝKORA, J. (2018) Entrance-exit dynamics of suppliers and the
repercussions for reshaping the structure of GVCs/GPNs, European Planning Studies, 26(12)
2364-2386. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2018.1533529. IF 1,863/1,863

KVĚTOŇ, V., BLAŽEK, J. (2018) Path-development trajectories and barriers perceived by
stakeholders in two Central European less developed regions: narrow or broad choice? European
Planning Studies, 26(10): 2058-2077. IF 1,863/1,863

VALLANCE, P., BLAŽEK, J., EDWARDS, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2017): Smart specialisation in regions with less-developed research and innovation systems: a changing role for universities? Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Article first published online: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654417705137

BLAŽEK, J. (2016): Towards a typology of repositioning strategies of GVC/GPN suppliers: the case of functional upgrading and downgrading, Journal of Economic Geography, 16: 849-869.

BLAŽEK, J., CSANK, P. (2016) Can emerging regional innovation strategies in less developed European regions bridge the main gaps in the innovation process? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(4):1095–1114, DOI: 10.1177/0263774X15601680

NOVOTNÝ, J, BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V., (2016) The anatomy of difference: comprehending the evolutionary dynamics of economic and spatial structure in the Austrian and Czech economies, European Planning Studies 24(4), 788-808.

MAREK, D, BLAŽEK, J. (2016) The challenge of breaking the academia–business firewall in Czechia: comparing the role of differentiated knowledge bases in collaborative R&D projects , European Planning Studies 24(4), 809-831.  

BLAŽEK, J., BEČICOVÁ, I. (2016): The takeover of Prague’s banking cluster by multinational groups from an evolutionary perspective. Geografie, 121, 2, 254–278.

KADLEC, V., BLAŽEK, J. (2015) University-business collaboration as perceived by leading academics: comparing and contrasting two most innovative |Czech regions, Erdkunde, 69 (4) 327–339.

BEČICOVÁ, I, BLAŽEK, J. (2015) Is there a credit-gap in a periphery? The perception of this problem by small entrepreneurs Ilona Bečicová, Jiří Blažek, Journal of Rural Studies 42, pp. 11-20. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.

BLAŽEK, J., ŽÍŽALOVÁ, P., RUMPEL, P., SKOKAN, K., CHLÁDEK, P. (2013): Emerging regional innovation strategies in Central Europe: institutions and regional leadership in generating strategic outcomes. European Urban and Regional Studies. Vol. 20.2., pp. 275-294, .doi:10.1177/0969776411428651

BLAŽEK, J., NETRDOVÁ P. (2012): Regional unemployment impacts of the global financial crisis in the new member states of the EU in Central and Eastern Europe, European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 19.1, pp. 42 - 61.

BLAŽEK, J., Žížalová, P, Rumpel, P, Skokan, K. (2011): Where does the knowledge for knowledge intensive industries does from? The case of Biotech in Prague and ICT in Ostrava, European Planning Studies, 19.7, pp. 1277- 1304

BLAŽEK, J., MACEŠKOVÁ, M. (2010) 'Regional Analysis of Public Capital Expenditure: To Which Regions is Public Capital Expenditure Channelled - to 'Rich' or to 'Poor' Ones?', Regional Studies 44, 6, pp. 679-696, (iFirst) URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00343400903002713

BLAŽEK, J., ŽÍŽALOVÁ, P. (2010): The biotechnology industry in the Prague metropolitan region: a cluster within a fragmented innovation system?, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 28(5), pp. 887-904.

BLAŽEK, J. (2010): European Cohesion Policy: challenges, dilemmas and some options for its future design, Geografický časopis, Vol. 62,2, pp.91-107.

HAMPL, M., BLAŽEK, J. (2009): Types and Systems of Actors in Regional Development: Their Performance and Regulatory Potential, In: European Spatial Research and Policy, 11, č. 1.

HAMPL, M., ŽÍŽALOVÁ, P., BLAŽEK, J. (2008): Faktory – mechanizmy – procesy v regionálním rozvoji: aplikace konceptu kritického realizmu. In: Ekonomický časopis, 56, č. 7, s. 696–711.

BLAŽEK, J., CSANK, P. (2007): Nová fáze regionálního vývoje v ČR? In: Sociologický časopis, 43, č. 5, s. 945–965.

BLAŽEK, J., CSANK, P. (2007): The West-East gradient and regional development: the case of the Czech Republic. In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica, 40, č. 1–2, s. 89–108.

BLAŽEK, J., UHLÍŘ, D. (2007): Regional Innovation Policies in the Czech Republic and the case of Prague: An emerging role of a regional level? In: European Planning Studies, 15,č. 7, s. 871–888.

BLAŽEK, J., VOZÁB, J. (2006): The ex ante evaluation in the new member states: the case of the Czech Republic. In: Regional Studies, 40, č. 2, s. 237–248.

Selected publication in czech language

BLAŽEK, J, NETRDOVÁ P. (2012) Aktuální tendence lokální diferenciace socioekonomických jevů v Česku: směřuje vývoj k větší mozaikovitosti prostorového uspořádání? Geografie 117: 266-288.

BLAŽEK, J. (2012): Regionální inovační systémy a globální produkční sítě – dvojí optika na zdroje konkurenceschopnosti v současnem světě? Geografie, 117, č. 2, s. 209–233.

BLAŽEK, J., UHLÍŘ, D. (2011): Teorie regionálního rozvoje: nástin, kritika, implikace. 2. přepracované a rozšířené vydání. Karolinum, Praha, 343 str.

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