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Jan Altman: Tree rings as high-resolution multiproxy recorders of tropical cyclones

Jan Altman (Institute of Botany, CAS) will give a talk on topic: Tree rings as high-resolution multiproxy recorders of tropical cyclones. The talk will take place in February 20, 2020 at 14:50 in room "Věž".
Čas 20.02.2020
od 14:50 do 16:20
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The most prominent trend of the increasing intensity of tropical cyclones over the last few decades was recorded for the western North Pacific and further changes in tropical cyclone activity are projected to occur here. The validity of future tropical cyclone projections is restricted by limitations on the length and quality of observational records and more high-resolution proxy records are needed to investigate the climate forcing of tropical cyclone activity. In my talk, I will present our past and current research dealing with utilization of tree rings as proxy record of past tropical cyclone activity in East Asia, but also West Atlantic. In general, I will show several possible application of tree ring data for detection of past disturbances.

Publikováno: Středa 19.02.2020 11:50

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