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Student theses

(year of defence in parentheses)



Rivas Salvador J. (2020): Habitat specialization as determinant of species response to the Global Change.

Telenský T. (2018): Impact of climate change on Czech bird populations.

Hanzelka J. (2016): Bird communities in stands of non-native trees.

Koschová M. (2016): The impact of climate and land-use changes on birds.

Koleček J. (2013): Changes in bird abundance and distribution in Central and Eastern Europe: evironmental causes and effect of legal protection.



Bystřický V. (2022): Bird conservation status along a successional gradient in abandoned military areas.

Grünwald J. (2022): Long-term population trends in urban birds in Europe and Czechia.

Rohová K. (2022): Population trends, threats and conservation of island endemic birds.

Hološková A. (2021): Influence of food supply and habitat characteristics on the abundance of birds in intensively managed arable fields.

Szarvas F. (2021): Population trends of forest birds in the Czech Republic.

Hernová J. (2020): Habitat characteristics accounting for the attractiveness of military training areas for birds: a case study from the Hradiště military training area.

Rajmonová R. (2019): The importance of woodlots and their ecological characteristics for birds in an intensively managed agricultural landscape.

Kroftová M. (2016): The effect of an increasing coverage of invasive black locust on bird communities in forest stands.

Bušek O. (2015): How do bird species richness and abundance differ between military training areas and surrounding landscape? A case study from the Hradiště military area.

Říhová J. (2015): Long-term population trends of birds in North America and Europe: a metaanalysis of existing studies.

Štěpánková K. (2015): Predictors of global threat level in sister bird species.

Birčák T. (2014): Forest bird community composition: patterns and their drivers.

Vlnová L. (2014): Long-term development of selected landscape features related to agricultural and environmental politics.

Jiran M. (2013): Interspecific territoriality between Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) and Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia).

Hajzlerová L. (2012): Bird communities in the invasive knotweed (Reynoutria sp. div.).

Hanzelka J. (2012): Intraspecific variablity in population trends of farmland birds: influence of habitat and altitude.

Koschová M. (2011): The ecological traits correlating with predicted shifts of European breeding ranges in Czech birds.



Kutzendörferová A. (2023): Pesticide impacts on farmland bird populations.

Mikulcová E. (2023): Selected impacts of climate change on birds in European mountains: shifts in altitudinal distribution, population changes and changes in phenology.

Žid J. (2023): Impacts of agri-environmental schemes on farmland birds in Central and Eastern Europe.

Žandová D. (2022): Factors threatening European raptors and actions for their conservation.

Bystřický V. (2020): Factors affecting farmland bird abundance in different European regions

Grünwald J. (2020): Species traits and ecological conditions linked to bird colonisation of cities.

Heřmánková V. (2019): Relationships between vegetation structure and bird community composition in forest stands.

Hološková A. (2019): Towards the understanding of agricultural intensification impacts on farmland birds: the effects of changes in invertebrate food supply.

Szarvas F. (2019): Bird population changes from a historical perspective: a case study from the Czech Republic.

Fesenko V. (2018): Bird population trends in Eastern Europe.

Mantičová M. (2018): Effectivennes of wader conservation.

Neubergová K. (2018): The impact of invasive plants on bird communities.

Rajmonová L. (2017): The importance of woodlots for birds in farmland.

Hadravová A. (2014): Invasive species of mammals in Europe.

Houdová M. (2014): Bird mortality at transparent barriers.

Hromádková Š. (2014): Invertabrate succession on open cast post mining sites in response to the type of restoration.

Kroftová M. (2014): Birds in vegetation of invasive alien plant species.

Bušek O. (2013): Military training areas as anthropogenic biodiversity refuges.

Matlášková G. (2013): Approaches to management of habitat heterogeneity in terms of maintenance of bird species richness in military training areas.

Šťěpánková K. (2012): Interspecific hybridization in birds: lessons for conservation.

Vodička J. (2012): The effect of agri-environmental schemes on biodiversity.

Prylová K. (2011): Trends in structure of bird communities in the Czech Republic: from diversity to homogenization.

Ráslová P. (2011): Decline of Czech populations of the most threatened wetland birds: comparing evidence for drivers in the Czech and foreign literature.

Krsová M. (2010): Homogenization of species composition in avian communities.

Jakubíková L. (2009): How do the protected bird species perform?

Koschová M. (2008): Impact of global climate change on birds.

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