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Možnost ročního magisterského studia ve Francii

Université de Rennes 1, Francie nabízí možnost ročního magisterského studia v Rennes.

As every year, The Foundation Rennes 1 « Progress, Innovation, Entrepreneurship » which purposes are to support excellence research and an international opening, is starting a call for application for foreign students likely to spend a year studying in the University of Rennes 1 in France for a 2nd year of master’s course.

This device allowed since 2011 to more than 40 students to study in our university.
This action is among the priority tasks of Foundation Rennes 1 to contribute to international development for the University of Rennes 1. 

You will find all the information on this tender through this link 



Přiložený soubor: rennes-logo
Publikováno: Středa 18.03.2015 00:00

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