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Uzávěrka přihlášek prodloužena:Resilient Cities: Challenges, Risks, Response

Chcete studovat a pracovat v mezinárodním týmu studentů a pedagogů na aktuálním tématu odolnosti měst? Zúčastněte se mezioborového kurzu, který v rámci Univerzitní aliance 4EU+ společně zajišťují Univerzita Karlova, Univerzita Heidelberg a Univerzita Sorbonna. Počet zúčastněných studentů z Univerzity Karlovy je limitován. Uzávěrka přihlášek je 23. ledna 2023.


In the course you will explore and address risk processes and transformations that shape and threaten long-term urban and social development in European cities and require coordinated response and action by politicians, experts and citizens. Themes include social diversity, inequality and segregation; ageing and health; impacts of global environmental change; smart city, mobility and technological challenges; policies and planning for resilience.

The course provides socially and culturally open-minded study environment sensitive to multilingual and multicultural contexts of Europe and plurality of views of teachers and students. You will learn to address complex societal challenges in an engaged, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial manner. The key competences trained in the course and acquired from learning will equip you to critically reflect and understand contemporary challenges (social relevance), analyze (based on data and evidence) and assess consequences (academic relevance), and creatively approach, discuss and propose normative response (policy relevance).

Teaching and learning involves collaborative international and interuniversity group work (Heidelberg University, 2022) 


The Resilient Cities workshop included field visits, guest lectures and discussions of resilience with local stakeholders (Heidelberg Innovation Park, 2022)


This inter-university course uses blended teaching and learning format that involves virtual as well as physical mobility, synchronous and asynchronous online teaching and learning techniques. The synchronous distant teaching and learning with real-time on-line interaction during lectures and discussion seminars uses platform MS Teams. Asynchronous teaching and learning uses Moodle digital platform that provides course resources for self-study, structure of course organization and environment for course interaction including assignments. The study involves collaborative group-work of students across different university and disciplinary backgrounds, using micro-research projects and short presentations.

Study resources and environment for asynchronous interaction for instance in the form of thematic forums is provided in Moodle


The online teaching will accompany short 3 days mobility at the final phase of the course, when participating students will take a part in a workshop organized by a host university (Sorbonne University in June 2023). This will include the final phase of preparation, discussion and presentation of student group projects. It will be enriched with specifically tailored seminars and excursions on the locally specific issues of urban resilience. The costs associated with the mobility and participation at the final workshop are covered by 4EU+ Alliance.

The Resilient Cities workshop provides an opportunity for students’ performance in culturally challenging settings (Patrick Henry Village and Metropolink, Heidelberg, 2022)



The number of participating students from Charles University is limited to 10. Would you wish to participate in the Resilient Cities course, send an application by e-mail with the following information to Luděk Sýkora, sykora@natur.cuni.czby January 23th, 2023, 12:00:

  • Full name, CU student´s number
  • Study program and level (bachelor, master, PhD)
  • A short and concise motivation for joining the course (maximum 10 sentences).

Based on the applications, final selection will be made by January 30th. The study course Resilient Cities: Challenges, Risks and Response is registered in SIS of Charles University, Faculty of Science, code: MZ340A02. In the case of doctoral studies, you can discuss with dissertation supervisor to include the course in your ISP's individual study plan.

A diary from the Resilient Cities Prague Workshop by Ira Borgstedt, student of Heidelberg University.

The presentation about Resilient Cities course in year 2021.



Publikováno: Pondělí 16.01.2023 10:20

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