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Summer semester programme 2023

Yeap - summer semester is here, check the programme! :-)

Seminars take place every Tuesday from 15.00 to 16.30. They will be recorded and shared later, but not streamed live online. 

Seminars traditionally take place in the B2P seminar room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor, attic). Joint seminars of more departments in Velká zoologická lecture room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor), Krajinova lecture room (Benátská 2, 2nd floor) or Entomologie lecture room (Viničná 7, 1st floor, B121). If not specified, the primary language of all seminars is English.

For further information contact Tereza Petrusková (tereza.petruskova@natur.cuni.cz)

  • February 14
    Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)
  • February 21
    Petr Pařil (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno)
    New terrestrial limnology - surprising results of 15-year research of drying streams in Central Europe
    (B2P lecture room)
  • February 28
    Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 7
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 14
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 21
    Martha Kandziora (Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University)
    Evolution and diversification of some Asterales lineages in two tropical alpine-like ecosystems
    (with Depts. of Zoology and Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • March 28
    Radim Šumbera (Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia)
    Life and work of an Ethiopian endemic species, the giant root-rat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus; one of the most peculiar rodents in the world
    (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • April 4
    Presentations of MSc and PhD students (B2P lecture room)
  • April 11
    Ulf Ottosson (A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute - APLORI, Nigeria)
    Winter Ecology, Distribution and Conservation of Birds in Africa
    (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • April 18
    Jozefien Van de Velde (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Koln, Germany)
    Genomics of the adaptation to polyploidy in Australian burrowing frogs Neobatrachus
    (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • April 25
    Nico Eisenhauer (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leipzig)
    The dark side of biodiversity
    (with Dept of Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • May 2
    UNCE - seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics
    (with Depts. of Zoology and Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • May 9
    Kristina Sefc (University of Gratz, Austria)
    Mating systems and parental care in cichlid fishes
    (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)

February 14 - Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)

Zuzana Šimková: Reprodukční systémy velkých lupenonožců (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) a jejich vliv na genetickou diverzitu populací
Jaromíra Zálišová: Celoroční specialisté? Habitatové niky migrantů na hnízdištích a zimovištích
Kristýna Záhorová: Krypse u vážek 
Alena Dontová: Populační trajektorie obratlovců
Tereza Hájková: Ecological aesthetics of freshwater wetlands: the importance of area and environmental heterogeneity
Andrej Petr: Faktory ovlivňující druhovou bohatost ektomykorhizních hub na velkých prostorových škálách
Matěj Gaigr: Vztah mezi plochou a počtem druhů ptáků: variabilita mezi prostředími mírného pásu
Daniel Machala: Termoregulace u vážek

February 28 - Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)

Kubíková Tereza: Funkce samičího zpěvu u pěvců        
Natalie Šmídová: Potrava delfínovitých  a jejich potenciální náchylnost ke konzumaci plastového odpadu    
Lucia Tribulová: Koľkokrát a prečo sa (ne)vyvinul hermafroditizmus u druhoústych živočíchov         
Tadeáš Serafin: Stabilní izotopy v ekologii živočichů: jejich využití a limitace          
Matyáš Dvořák: Pohlavně specifická personalita obratlovců
František Severa: Rozsivky v biomonitoringu: přístupy hodnocení ekologického stavu povrchových vod v Evropě
Faško Adam: Biotechnologický potenciál řas a sinic z chladných prostředí
Macková Anna: Vliv současných klimatických změn na plankton vysokohorských jezer

March 7- Presentation of MSc students (B2P lecture room)

Isaac Annal: Spatial distribution of cryptic species of the Gammarus fossarum complex along stream environmental gradients
Kardelen Kardan: Diversity of selected ornamental aquarium animal taxa and their characterization by molecular barcoding markers
Hana Hlavínová: Distribution and population dynamics of the Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) in the Czech Republic
Adéla Brucknerová: Reaction of plants to serpentine soil
Michal Barták: Role of moths in plant-pollinator interactions along a latitudinal gradient
Fotoula Papandreou: Bee preferences for floral rewards and other floral traits in Mediterranean grasslands

March 14- Presentation of MSc students (B2P lecture room)

Veronika Kučminová           
Tereza Vošická
: Diatom diversity in glacier fed streams
Jan Počta: The use of eDNA for the detection of amphibian pathogens
Jakub Houška: Latitudinal variability of an ideal tree according to the metabolic theory
Adam Uličný: Foraging guilds of songbirds
Louis Sampson: Phylogeographic patterns of an expanding ant-eating spider Zodarion italicum

April 4 - Presentations of MSc and PhD students (B2P lecture room)

Tereza Kočárková (1st year PhD): Plant-pollinator interactions along a latitudinal gradient
Vojtěch Brlík (4th year PhD): Ecological consequences of seasonal bird movements
Stanislav Jíra (1stMSc): Diversity and ecophysiology of high mountain epilithic algae along the altitudinal gradient

May 2 - Seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (Krajinova lecture room)

(presentation of the research of “junior“ team members of UNCE 204069; joint seminar of the departments of ecology, botany and zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University)
Tomáš Telenský (Center for Theoretical Study): Novel approaches to study animal population dynamics and demography, demonstrated on birds
Gabriela Šrámková (Dept. of Botany): Evolutionary history of wild Arabidopsis in Europe
Ondřej Korábek (Dept. of Zoology): What causes replacement patterns in the distributions of European land snails?
Jan Hanzelka (Institute for Environmental Studies): What biodiversity is supported by microhabitats formed in tree cavities in boreal forests?

Published: Feb 14, 2023 08:45 AM

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