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Program seminářů na zimní semestr 2022 / 2023

Hurá! Je tu nový akademický rok a s ním i program pravidelných katedrových seminářů na zimní semestr!

Semináře katedry ekologie se konají vždy v úterý od 15 do 16.30 hod, obvykle v seminární místnosti B2P (Viničná 7, 2. patro), v případě společných seminářů více pracovišť v jiných posluchárnách biologické sekce dle programu. S výjimkou prezentací Bc. studentů probíhají semináře v angličtině. Proto i program a detailní informace o seminářích jsou v tomto jazyce. V případě dotazů či připomínek kontatujte Terezu Petruskovou (tereza.petruskova@natur.cuni.cz).

Seminars take place every Tuesday from 3 to 4:30 PM. 

Seminars traditionaly take place in the B2P seminar room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor, attic). Joint seminars of more departments in Velká zoologická lecture room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor), Krajinova lecture room (Benátská 2, 2nd floor) or Entomologie lecture room (Viničná 7, 1st floor, B121). If not specified, the primary language of all seminars is English. If allowed by presenters, the talks will be recorded and shared later, but not streamed live online.

For any further information please contact Tereza Petrusková (tereza.petruskova@natur.cuni.cz)

  • 4 October
    Introductory information 
    for students: courses in winter semester 2022 (B2P lecture room)
  • 11 October
    Lukáš Kratochvíl & Jan Havlíček 
    (Depts. of Ecology & Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University)Irrational ratios: Why using proportions can be risky (B2P lecture room)
  • 18 October
    Tyler Kohler 
    (Dept. of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Microbial ecology on the roof of the world: the structure and function of glacier-fed stream biofilms (B2P lecture room)
  • 25 October
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students 
    (B2P lecture room)
  • 1 November
    Eric Maréchal: 
    (Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory, CEA-CNRS-UNIV. GRENOBLE-ALPES) High-elevation snowpack in the Alps: a dying ocean? (B2P lecture room)
  • 3 – 4 November
    PhD Meeting – Presentations of 1st and 3rd year PhD students 
    (Kostelec nad Černými Lesy castle)
  • 8 November
    Vedrana Šlipogor 
    (Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia) Unique, just like everyone else? Integrative approach to personality and learning in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • 15 November
    UNCE - seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (with Depts. of Zoology and Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • 22 November
    Ivana Maguire 
    (Dept. of Biology, University of Zagreb) Freshwater crayfish in Croatia: from diversity to conservation. (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • 29 November
    Jamie Walters 
    (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence) Lepidopteran evolutionary genomics: sex chromosomes & sperm proteomes(with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • 6 December
    Pavel Duda 
    (Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia) Evolution of human behaviour. (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • 13 December
    David Richardson 
    (Dept. of Invasion Ecology, Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences)Impacts of biological invasions in South Africa: What do we know? (with part of Dept. of Zoology and Dept of Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • 20 December
    Department Christmas trip
  • 10 January
    Poster session – Presentation of 2nd year MSc students 
    (Velká zoologická and then 3rd floor)

UNCE – seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics – UNCE 204069  (15 November)

  • programme to be announced

Presentations of 1st year MSc. students (25 October)

  • to be announced
Publikováno: Čtvrtek 06.10.2022 09:40

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