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Program seminářů na letní semestr 2020 / 2021

V letním semestru se opět sejdeme pouze online na Zoomu. Výběr hostů je však i letos na vysoké úrovni, je na co se těšit.


Seminars take place every Tuesday from 15.00 to 16.30 unless specified otherwise. During this semester they will be online on Zoom under this stable link: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/my/ecology.seminars

If not specified, the primary language of all seminars is English. For any further information please contact Martina Johnson Pokorná (martina.pokorna@natur.cuni.cz)

  • 23 February
    Jennifer Y. Lamb

    (College of Science and Engineering, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA)
    Shifting perspective: biofluorescence in amphibians (with Dept. of Zoology)
  • 2 March
    Presentations of 3rd year BSc students I. – in Czech
  • 9 March
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students
  • 16 March
    Presentations of 3rd year BSc students II.
     – in Czech
  • 23 March
    Michal Horsák

    (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno)
    Spring fens: what makes them special for ecologists and palaeoecologists
    (with Depts. of Botany and Zoology)
  • 30 March 9am!
    Gabriel Machovsky-Capuska

    (Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Australia)
    Plunge diving into Nutritional Ecology (with Depts. of Zoology) Due to time difference seminar will exceptionally start at 9am.
  • 6 April
    Marcus Hamilton

    (Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
    On the convergent biogeography of biodiversity and human cultural diversity
    (with Depts. of Anthropology, Botany and Zoology)
  • 13 April
    Jiří Hulcr

    (Scool of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, USA)
    Invasive bark beetles that are going to eat up our forests: good and bad news from China and America
    (with Dept. of Zoology)
  • 20 April
    Isabel Almudi

    (Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC-UPO, Seville, Spain)
    Mayflies take off: a new model to investigate the origin of wings (and their many other wonders)
    (with Dept. of Zoology)
  • 27 April
     (with Depts. of Zoology and Botany)
  • 4 May Presentations of PhD students
  • 11 May
    Adam Petrusek

    (Department of Ecology, Charles University)
    Crayfish plague distribution, diversity and impact: from Czechia to the other side of the world and back
    (with Dept. of Zoology)

Programme of UNCE - presentations of the junior“ team members of UNCE 204069  (April 27)

  • Lukáš Falteisek (Dept. of Ecology) – Structure and dynamics of microbial communities from acidic ferruginous springs
  • Antonín Macháč (Center for Theoretical Study) – Diversity dynamics vary across phylogenetic scales
  • Martin Čertner (Dept. of Botany) – Diploid–polyploid coexistence in plant populations and its evolutionary consequences
  • Jaroslav Koleček (Inst. for Environmental Studies) – Should I stay or should I go? Migration, return rate and dispersal of the Great Reed Warbler

Presentations of PhD students (May 4)

  • Fernando Polibio Gaona Aybaca – Patterns and dynamics of insect diversity in Afrotropical ecosystems (1st year; supervisor Robert Tropek)
  • Kobe Nubitgha Ishmeal – Pollination networks in tropical and temperate montane areas (3rd year; supervisor Roebert Tropek)

Presentations of 1st year MSc students (March 9)

  • Marie Bostlová – The influnce of pesticide to microbiome of stored product mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (supervisor Jan Hubert)
  • Nitin Bhushan – Spatio-temporal interactions between large carnivores and herbivores in Kruger National Park (supervisor Petr Pyšek)
  • Belfu Çetinkaya – Cultural evolution of birdsong: Changes of Tree Pipit vocalization in year-to-decade temporal scales (supervisor Tereza Petrusková)
  • Lily Carolin Helmbold – Use of individual acoustic monitoring to study endangered species – case study on the Meadow Pipit (supervisor Tereza Petrusková)

Presentations of 3rd year BSc students I. (March 2)

  • Kateřina Vobořilová – Klimatické determinanty elevačního rozšíření tropických obratlovců (supervisor David Hořák)
  • Dita Afrodita Šlosarová – Habitatově specifické populační hustoty živočichů: revize konceptu (supervisor David Hořák)
  • David Homoláč – Význam vodních zdrojů pro využívání prostoru savci v africké savaně (supervisor David Hořák)
  • Kateřina Janovska – Krmiva včel a jejich vliv na zdravotní stav včelstev (supervisor Jan Hubert)
  • Petr Chlup – Metodické problémy při analýzách úbytku hmyzu (supervisor David Storch)

Presentations of 3rd year BSc students II. (March 16)

  • Barbora Veverková – Ecological effects of climate change on snakes (supervisor Ondřej Sedláček)
  • Anna Semeráková – Ekologické a etologické aspekty střetu ptáků s budovami (supervisor Ondřej Sedláček)
  • Kateřina Matoušková – Biodiverzita zelených střech (supervisor Ondřej Sedláček)
  • Filip Schätz – Neoextinkce (supervisor David Storch)
  • Filip Tuháček – Vliv vysychání a zarůstání mokřadů mírného pásu na diverzitu a početnost ptáků (supervisor David Hořák)
  • Adéla Vrchotová – Biodiverzita extrémně kyselých jezer (supervisor Linda Nedbalová)
  • Bohumil Fiala – Vážky v městské krajině (supervisor Martin Černý)
  • Nela Gloríková – Impact of endosymbiotic bacteria on the capacity of host invertebrates to provide ecosystem services (supervisor Milan Řezáč)
Publikováno: Úterý 16.02.2021 10:10

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