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Informace ke katedrovým seminářům

Pro aktualizované informace sledujte - https://www.natur.cuni.cz/biologie/botanika/seminare

Zimní semestr 2020-21

Due to continuing quarantine regulations (and perhaps more expected to come) the department seminar will be in a hybrid mode.

Speakers will be either online or physically present in the Krajinovka; this will be decided dynamically before each seminar. I expect presenting students to show up in Krajinovka physically (regulations permitting).

Audience: Department members are welcome to physical attendance (under proper distancing & face mask rules). Further, there will be a Google Meet link which everybody is welcome to join in order to take part in the discussions. The rules for physical attendance may be changing; please keep checking this page. NB. We expect all master and PhD students to take part!

The Google Meet link is meet.google.com/sit-ytpn-ojv. (This may later change.)

The seminar programme will be ready during this week. On 29th September we have a talk by Diego Hojsgaard ("Asexuality: genetic basis and ecological effects"); 6th October there will be poster presentations (plus flash talks) of the 1st year PhD students (in the yard of the building, weather permitting).


Za normálních okolností se  semináře se konají v Krajinově posluchárně (2. patro, Benátská 2, Praha 2); v době omezení výuky vysokých škol jsou online (příslušný link bude zveřejněn zde, nejpozději v úterý dopoledne). 

Hosté vítáni!

Publikováno: Čtvrtek 01.10.2020 00:00

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